Signs Of Cockroaches

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A cockroach on the bathroom wall, tiny roaches in the kitchen, the skittering of roach feet on hard surfaces at night. These are the obvious signs of a cockroach infestation. But roaches can live in your home without showing themselves. If they do, they can make you sick, and you won't know that roaches are to blame. Today, we will share the warning signs of a cockroach infestation and discuss prevention and control.  If you are a Phoenix, Anthem, or Maricopa County resident looking for immediate relief from roaches, contact us immediately!

american cockroach laying ootheca

Common cockroaches in Maricopa County

In our region, we deal with four common cockroaches: the German, American, Asian, and Oriental cockroach. Each is unique in its behavior.

German Cockroaches

These pests are the worst roaches. They adapt well to living inside and are extremely difficult to control. A German roach is distinguished by its tan coloration and black lines on the back, between the head and wings. Professional treatment is strongly recommended if you have these pests in your home.

Asian Cockroaches

Often mistaken for German cockroaches due to their tan appearance and black lines on their backs, Asian cockroaches are quite a bit different. They typically live outdoors in wooded locations, and indoor infestations are rare. Unlike German cockroaches, Asian roaches are strong fliers. These insects are active at night and are attracted to brightly lit areas. If you have one of these roaches in your home, you may not have a full-blown infestation. We recommend removing the roach you find and looking for signs of cockroach activity that may indicate more are lurking nearby.

American Cockroaches

These are the largest cockroaches in our area. They are brownish-red, almond-shaped, and have a yellow back with two reddish-brown dots. They prefer moist habitats and unsanitary conditions but can adapt to living indoors. If you see one of these roaches in your home, you likely have a significant infestation and should contact an exterminator for assistance.

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches are easily identified by their shiny black color. Males have wings that cover a small portion of the back. Their wings do not hang past the end of the abdomen. Females only have wing pads. Oriental cockroaches prefer not to live indoors. If you routinely see them indoors, it is a warning sign of a moisture problem or unsanitary conditions in or around your home. You may deter these roaches with sanitation and moisture control, but professional pest control is highly recommended.

Now that you know what you're up against, let’s focus on what you can do about these pests.

Warning signs of a cockroach infestation

You aren't likely to see most cockroaches at first unless they are nymphs. Asian cockroaches are the exception. When disturbed, they take to the air. They're also attracted to light and are generally more visible pests. But you'll need to look for warning signs for the other three. Here's what you need to know:

Where to look for roaches:

  • Attic spaces
  • Underneath kitchen and bathroom sinks
  • Around appliances
  • Around trash bins
  • Above dropdown ceilings
  • Inside accessible wall voids
  • In stacked cardboard
  • Between boxes
  • In piles of laundry or fabrics

What to look for:

  • Small, sticky droppings that look like coffee grounds
  • Black or brown stains
  • Shed skin fragments
  • Entire shed skins that look like hollow cockroaches
  • Small egg cases, called ootheca
  • A scent that is musty and oily
  • Holes in paper packing or clothing
  • Tiny nymphs

You'll need a flashlight for your inspection. Get into every dark and tight space in your home. If you uncover roach activity, the next step is control. We'll get to that in a moment. First, let's talk about what you can do if you "don't" see cockroaches.

Cockroach prevention made simple

Roaches seek food options, moisture sources, and harborage. They will seek these near the exterior of your home first—unless they hitchhike into your house inside a box, bag, furniture, or piece of luggage. Consider these application tips indoors and outdoors.

Cockroach food

Roaches can smell decaying organic matter and are drawn to trash receptacles, dirty drains, unsanitary bathrooms, and anything else with an aroma of decay. Sanitation is a significant deterrent. You'll also want to protect your food in sealed containers, wash dishes as you go, and put pet food down only during meals.

Cockroach moisture sources

Cockroaches need moisture, so they go straight for any leaky or humid space. Fix pipes, leaky faucets, and other plumbing issues. Use your fan when taking a shower or install one in your bathroom if you don't have one.

Cockroach hiding places

A cockroach is comfortable in a tight space with its back and belly against two hard surfaces. Any cluttered space is inviting to these pests. Pick up clutter from the floor and put stacked objects in plastic totes with covers. You'll also want to store cardboard in a bin rather than a stack on the floor or in your backyard.

Cockroach pest control in Maricopa County

If you find cockroaches in your home, you can reduce the risk of disease transmission by practicing good sanitation. Cockroaches can pick up harmful organisms in unsanitary places and spread them around. Additionally, you can deter these pests by controlling moisture and decluttering your living space. However, for complete control, you will need a cockroach treatment plan. For this, please get in touch with Titan Pest Control. Our home pest control services use advanced methods and trusted products to track roach activity, eliminate roaches, and monitor to ensure none remain in your home after treatment. Get in touch with us today for assistance!


‟Titan has been such a wonderful company to deal with. From the people who answer the phone to the specialists who come to the house, they have always been friendly, on time and reliable. I would recommend this local business to anyone! Special thank you to Thomas who helped me remove a snake from my yard!”
Alanna B.
Phoenix, AZ
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